Blog by Tina Mak
4411 WINDJAMMER Drive, Richmond, British Columbia
October 24th, 2009I just sold this House at 4411 WINDJAMMER Drive, Richmond, British Columbia .
View this recently sold House or see all my home sales
75 SUNSET Drive, West Vancouver, British Columbia
October 24th, 2009I just finished uploading this House for sale, 75 SUNSET Drive, West Vancouver, British Columbia
Experience the spectacular breathtaking ocean view from the presitgious Castello Del Sole Villa. This Mediterranean style house has been excellently maintained with the pride of ownership that had a $250k facelift inside and out.
Where does Canada ranks on Current Account Balance among 163 countries in the world?
October 18th, 2009Toronto & Ontraio housing market update
October 14th, 2009Want to know more about the Toronto & Ontario market, click http://tinacoldwellbanker.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=537425