Blog by Tina Mak
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1601 667 HOWE STREET, Vancouver West, BC
June 1st, 2017I just sold this Condo at 1601 667 HOWE STREET, Vancouver West, BC Downtown VW.
View this recently sold Condo or see all my home sales
1601 667 HOWE STREET, Vancouver West, BC
June 1st, 20172203 3070 GUILDFORD WAY, Coquitlam, BC
June 1st, 2017part 1: How Hot is Toronto Detached housing Market?
April 17th, 2017Tina Mak以广東话采访了多伦多的Royal Lepage地产中介Rosita Chan-Geddis。 从事地产行事20多年, Rosita从未见过多伦多獨立屋市场有这样刺熱的需求。 点击链接了解详情!
part 2: How Hot is Toronto Detached housing Market?
April 17th, 2017Tina Mak以广東话采访了Tridel的销售总监Winson Chan,Tridel是加拿大多伦多最大的公寓开发商之一。 Winson已经和Tridel一起工作了20多年。 他说,不到5%的买家是外国投资者。 市场供应不足以满足需求是市场刺熱的原因. 点击链接了解详情!
5787 NEWTON WYND, Vancouver West, BC
April 16th, 2017Demand for homes continues to outpace supply in Metro Vancouver
April 4th, 2017Cost Saving Programs for British Columbians
March 9th, 2017How famous colleges & universities in Boston make the city a great investment city in US?Part1
March 7th, 2017波士顿著名学府如何使这个城市成为美国一个穩健的投资熱点
哈佛大学和马萨诸塞理工学院分别在世界大学排名第一和第三。 叶小慧小妞,AREAA波士顿分会前分会主席与Tina和AM 1320华僑之声"投资金页"