Global networking at Asian Real Estate Association of America(AREAA) in Las Vegas
You can't find another real estate networking organization has more diversification than AREAA. Meeting not just realtors from US but also from different part of the world. Learning different market condition & also get the chance to meet immigration attorney & some investment opportunity. I am very blessed to be locally & globally known as well as connected. Should you wish to know real estate outside of Vancouver, feel free to contact me.

Tina Mak Personal Real Estate Corporation
Your Vancouver Radio Realtor
(The Bridge from East to West since 1992)
#1 Female Agent since 2002 @ Coldwell Banker Westburn Rlty
Vice Chair of Members Committee at AREAA Canada
Canadian Ambassador of Coldwell Banker 2011
Co-host of AM1320 Radio Investment Show
International President's Circle Award
5489 Kingsway, Burnaby
B.C. V5H 2G1
Tel: 604-412-5860 (English) (温哥华中文地產網頁) (Commercial site)
"Knowledge Empowering Investment Decisions"