Downtown Vancouver office market maintains high ocupancy
Downtown Vancouver office market maintains high occupancy
Overall Metro vacancy rate lowest since 2008

This Vancouver Sun article indicated Vancouver office vacancy rate is at its lowest time since 2008 & the down town market is the tightest comparing to other cities in the Lower Mainland.. Bentall building was the last commercial building built back in 2002. There are 3 buildings just broke the ground with 50% pre-leased commitment. We always worry about the global economy will eventually hits N. America. Well, I always feel that the messier the rest of the world is, the better it is for Canada. Smart business entrepreneur always make money regardless in what economic atmosphere. Click here to read full article.
Tina Mak Personal Real Estate Corporation
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#1 Female Agent since 2002 @
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Top 5% in Vancouver Real Estate Board
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Co-host of AM1320 Radio Investment Show
5489 Kingsway, Burnaby
BC V5H 2G1
Tel:604-412-5860 (English) (English) (温哥华中文地產網頁)
"Knowledge Empowering Investment Decisions"
This entry was posted on July 27th, 2012
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