
Blog by Tina Mak

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How to buy real estate in our red hot Vancouver market?

Top dollars doesn't necessary get you the property during multiple offers presentation. No matter whether you buy a strata property or a single detached house, in order to be the winner during the multiple offer situation, the key is to put a subject free offer. Please make sure you arrange your financing ahead of time. I understand lending institution always prefer buyer to put financing condition. However, for those buyer who really wants that particular property, even if we, as an agent suggests them to leave the financing clause there, they sometimes decide to take a risk and leave it out. Another key condition is inspection. You can definitely do an inspection before offer presentation. Now, spending the money like that ahead of time doesn't guarantee you will get the property. Therefore, you need to prepare you might be wasting the money if you decide to put a low offer. Final suggestion is when buying condo. Almost 90% of the one bedroom listings in DT have multiple offers. If you are planning to buy 1BR in downtown, be prepared to ask the listing agents for all the strata document and read them all ahead of time. Many listing agents already have all the strata documents ready n some of them are on line too.


No subject offers are common again. We, as a buyer's agent not supposed to encourage you to do that unless you understand all the pros and cons of writing the subjects free offer. There is always a risk but that's the risk you decide whether you want to take or not.
