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Predictions: Horse is one of Chinese favorite animals. Horse provides a good and quick transportation for people before automobiles. Horse can give people a ride to their destination. Therefore, horse is not only a symbol of traveling, but also a sign of speedy success. Horses like to compete with others. They pursuit for their freedom, passion and leadership. Therefore, people will have busy schedule for their goal in the year of Horse. Horse hour of Chinese Horoscopes is from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. Sunshine generates lots of heat during Horse hour. Therefore, horse is connected to heat, hot, fire and red. Horses like the social activities, because horses like show off themselves. Since horse is a social animal and red is also connected to love, therefore. horse is treated as a Romantic Star in Chinese Horoscope. Chinese wouldn't let horse to the farm work. Instead, all the farmland jobs go to the ox. This is because Chinese have higher expectation on horses. Horses can help human to win the battle. Sitting on the Horse back implies that the person is from noble or higher ranking family. So people born in the Horse year usually care about their dressing, outlook and speech. Horse is intelligent animal. Horses need to be trained to become useful to human. Human can make Horse famous. Without human's guide, Horse just a wild animal. It doesn't know where to go. There is no destination in its life. In Chinese Five Element theory, Horse is in the Fire group. Horse month is in the middle of summer. Horse is the strongest Fire animal in 12 zodiacs. 2014 is year of Wooden Horse. Wood can help Fire to burn. So Fire can last longer. When Horse meets Tiger and Dog, then they will form even stronger Fire. Too much Fire implies the hot temper and no patient. If the element of Fire is favorable to the person, then the person should have a good fortune in 2014. If Fire is unfavorable to the person, then 2014 will bring big trouble to the person. |
More Predictions:
Rat | 1900 | 1912 | 1924 | 1936 | 1948 | 1960 | 1972 | 1984 | 1996 | 2008 | 2020 |
Ox | 1901 | 1913 | 1925 | 1937 | 1949 | 1961 | 1973 | 1985 | 1997 | 2009 | 2021 |
Tiger | 1902 | 1914 | 1926 | 1938 | 1950 | 1962 | 1974 | 1986 | 1998 | 2010 | 2022 |
Rabbit | 1903 | 1915 | 1927 | 1939 | 1951 | 1963 | 1975 | 1987 | 1999 | 2011 | 2023 |
Dragon | 1904 | 1916 | 1928 | 1940 | 1952 | 1964 | 1976 | 1988 | 2000 | 2012 | 2024 |
Snake | 1905 | 1917 | 1929 | 1941 | 1953 | 1965 | 1977 | 1989 | 2001 | 2013 | 2025 |
Horse | 1906 | 1918 | 1930 | 1942 | 1954 | 1966 | 1978 | 1990 | 2002 | 2014 | 2026 |
Sheep | 1907 | 1919 | 1931 | 1943 | 1955 | 1967 | 1979 | 1991 | 2003 | 2015 | 2027 |
Monkey | 1908 | 1920 | 1932 | 1944 | 1956 | 1968 | 1980 | 1992 | 2004 | 2016 | 2028 |
Rooster | 1909 | 1921 | 1933 | 1945 | 1957 | 1969 | 1981 | 1993 | 2005 | 2017 | 2029 |
Dog | 1910 | 1922 | 1934 | 1946 | 1958 | 1970 | 1982 | 1994 | 2006 | 2018 | 2030 |
Boar | 1911 | 1923 | 1935 | 1947 | 1959 | 1971 | 1983 | 1995 | 2007 | 2019 | 2031 |
The Horse

The Horse (MA)
Ruler of the
hours 11am to 1pm
Direction - South
Season - Summer/June
Fixed element - Fire positive
- Yang
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Horse tend to fall very easily in and out of
love, as well as being both cheery and very well-liked they are willful and
irritable but often very nice-looking. Some of their
other personality traits include: a love of exercise, a tendency to make
rash choices and they have a unpredictable character. They are somewhat
lively, impulsive and independent, unbiased, adaptable and proficient and
think nothing of making a snap decision. They possess the ability to
manipulate" people and events. Often they rush those that are not as
quick as
themselves. They have a love of independence and free-will and give preferentiality to things done their
way, although they do tend to be forgetful and " jump to
conclusions". Their powers of persuasion are extraordinary and they are
neither envious or mistrustful by nature; instead they loathe wasting time,
can be variable, cannot stick to agendas and have great difficulty in
unwinding. Although having many friends, they like better, to rely
on themselves and prefer their way of achieving their aims.
The year of the Horse: is a time for progress, it is a very happy-go-lucky,
frantic and wild year that is both adventurous and satisfying.
There will be an upward turn to the year with a deal of good humour.
It is a year for going it alone, perhaps with some shocks in store but on
the whole a courageous and daring year.
The Fire Horse - highly strung, powerful, inconsistent, alluring and
motivated by strength of will.
The Wood Horse - helpful, motivated by advancement, dependable,
methodical and quirky.
The Earth Horse - reliable, rational, motivated by prudence, accurate and slow.
The Metal Horse - affectionate, egotistical, motivated by
"challenge", fruitful and obstinate.
The Water Horse - flexible, amusing, lacking consistency, motivated by
action" and self-absorbed.
Metal Horse
Water Horse
Wood Horse
Fire Horse
Earth Horse
That is a sign of jinx in Chinese horoscope when a Horse meets another Horse from the yearly cycle. That tells us that the year of Horse won't be a good year for Horse people. The scene is that if a Horse is passing by a town with a local Horse tyrant in charge. If Horse people can keep quiet, then they will be safe and pass the town. If Horse people want to mess with or challenge the tyrant, then trouble will come to them during their journey.
That means Horse people will travel under somebody's territory. Horse people needs to play in low-profile during 2014. Their people friendship, love relationship, money management or job competition might encounter a certain limitation during the Horse year.
Career: There is a Military General Star coming toward Horse people in 2014. That's is a sign of power and leadership. When Horse meets Horse, that implies the competition. Since Horse people enter enemy's territory, the competition is underdog to Horse people. In order to gain the leadership, Horse people will face many challenges. Therefore, you will spend lots of time with your friends, supporters or competitors to solve issues regarding to the business. If you failed to handle that properly, you will lose your reputation, even power. As a result, you might blame on yourself. You have better be humble and patient first. To take action, you must waiting for good timing. Anyway, to build good people relationship will give your career development much easier.
Horse can run very fast and far away. However, without a guide on its back, Horse doesn't know where it should go. Therefore, to listen people's opinion is very important for Horse people in 2014.
Money: Horse people will deal a lots with money in 2014. You will involve or be in charge of money management, because of the Military General Star. People around you are watching the money in your hands. They will be trying anything they can to utilize your money resources you have. They will ask your out often. therefore, your social activities and social expenses will increase. To loan money to your friends is not a good idea in the Horse year. That might become a dispute in the agreement later on. Then you may lose the friendship. 2014 is also not a good year to invest money on uncertain business. Watch your money tightly, especially in the summer. Your money luck will be better when the weather is cooling down.
Love: The love relationship of Horse people is fair today. There is a Popularity Star appearing in 2014. That will help single Horse people to meet a opposite sex. However, you still have the competition out there and the development of relationship will be slow. If you are in school, then you should focus more on the study. Spending too much time on the new relationship won't give you better or faster result. If you are in love and you want to push closer relationship on your lover, then you might hurt yourself in the end. If you are married, you might have little quarrel. So to put your focus on the career development or financial management is a better approach.
Health: Horse people should have stronger body and mind than the previous year. If they have slight illness, they should be able to recover quickly, as long as they have enough sleeping and rest. But Horse people in the Horse year usually don't have a long-lasting good mood, which could impact their health. So don't forget to do the annual physical examination. One Hurting Star arrives to Horse people in 2014. So they have better drive very carefully on the road and try to avoid dangerous sports.
2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Horse is Fire and Wood helps Fire to burn longer. There are too much Fire coming toward Horse people in 2014. It's quite possible that Horse people have too much Fire or too less Water in 2014. Too much Fire will cause problem in the cardiovascular system. Too less Water will cause problem in the urinary system.
Interesting Horse Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Golden Topaz
Special Flower: Rose
Horoscope Colors: Orange, White, Yellow
The Goat

The Sheep (YANG)
Ruler of the
hours 1pm to 3pm
Direction - South/Southwest
Season - Summer/July
Fixed element - Fire negative
- Yin
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Goat/Sheep tend to take on the role of
the " good Samaritan". The Sheep is the most feminine sign of all of
the Chinese animals. Usually they are very good-natured, genuine,
and bashful, which can sometimes lead to them being taken 'for a ride' by
Some of their other traits include: being overwhelmed by their emotions, a
tendency to become somewhat negative, gloomy and introvert. They are
natural born worriers who will always predict and expect the worst.
They especially loathe criticism and regulation and sometimes find it
difficult to maintain an objective view on things. However they are kindhearted,
mild, understanding and very forgiving. They would
rather be in a huff than come to blows. On the whole people tend to
" care deeply" for
them and they will always have the things that they require in life.
They have an enduring personality that prefers not to disclose troubles
unless really forced to. Sheep people deny themselves nothing and
are "hopeless romantics".
The year of the Sheep: is one that will be a time for caring, bringing out creative talent, imagination and emotion, whilst remaining,
calm, smooth
and slow. " Harmony with moderation" are the key words with a warning about the danger of
The Fire Sheep - aggressive, dramatic, lively, motivated by deed
and can be malicious.
The Wood Sheep - loyal, bighearted, motivated by "trust",
" sentimental"
and considerate.
The Earth Sheep - traditional, autonomous, motivated by
diligence, anxious and hopeful.
The Metal Sheep - motivated by accord, jealous, defensive, "
vulnerable" and unbalanced.
The Water sheep - attractive, mild, suggestible, motivated by
others and is opportunistic.
Metal Goat
Water Goat
Wood Goat
Fire Goat
Earth Goat
Sheep and Horse have many things in common. They are herbivore. They are animals that enjoy outdoor under the Sun. Sometimes farmers put Sheep inside the Horse's stable during the night as Horse's companion. In Chinese Horoscope theory, Sheep and Horse have attraction relationship because of Fire. Therefore, there is no problem for Sheep and Horse living together. This implies that Sheep people will have a nice year in 2014.
Career: Sheep people should be busy in the Snake year. The reward of hardworking performance will arrive in the Horse year. The Sun Star lets you becoming popular in your working environment, Whenever you need help, a male coworker or boss will appear to provide you good recommendation. TheCareer Star opens the career opportunity to Sheep people. If you keep and improve your job performance, then a job promotion is possible. However, there is no guarantee your great expectation will be fulfilled, because an Emptiness Star is on the sky. While the career luck is growing, you still need to play in low-profile. Humble and modest behaviors are easier to earn people's long-term recognition.
Money: There is no strong Money Star appearing in 2014. The money luck for Sheep people is fair. In Five Elements theory, Water represents money to Sheep people. Horse contains no Water. Money is not a major event in 2014. However, the Sun Star and Moon Star are appearing in the same time in the Horse year. If you need financial help or planning, you should be able to find the right people to help you to manage your wealth. The long-term money investment shows better luck than the short-term investment.
Your major earning in 2014 will come from salary or other fixed income. To earn the extra income, it's easier to spend time on job related projects. Your reward is still need your energy, sweat and time. If you are too greedy and invest money on the risky business, then the investment might end up no profit.
Love: Sheep and Horse can get along well, because of the horoscope's attraction relationship. That is a good sign of love relationship. the Sun Star andMoon Star are a big plus to improve the people relationship. The female Sheep people have better luck in love relationship than a male. 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 represents the Husband or Boyfriend Star to a female. Therefore, if you are female and single, then 2014 is good year to find your ideal companion. Beside to attend more the social activities, you also can try the channel from parent's connection to increase the love opportunity.
If you are in love, then the Horse year brings you a good chance to develop a deeper love relationship with your lover. If you are married, then you will have a sweet marriage life in 2014.
Health: Sheep people shouldn't have any big issue in their health. But the slight illness might come often. Some Sheep people will be busy from their career. Some will have more travel schedules. If Sheep people can eat properly and have enough sleeping and rest, then they should be able to recover quickly for those minor illness.
Sheep is in the Earth group. Horse contains Fire and Earth. Fire is the Mother Element of Earth to make Earth stronger. That means Sheep people might have too much Earth in 2014. Too much Earth will cause the problem in digestion system. So Sheep people need to watch their diet to protect their intestines and stomach. Too much Earth might absorb too much Water. If Water is too less, then that's will impact the urinary system, which are bladder and kidney.
Interesting Goat FactsZodiac Stone: Emerald
Special Flower: Larkspur
Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue
The Monkey

The Monkey (HOU)
Ruler of the
hours 3pm to 5pm
Direction - West/Southwest
Season - Summer/August
Fixed element - Metal positive
- Yang
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Monkey tend to be generally good at
mastering anything" they put their hands to, they are also
successful. This is possibly due to a combination of personality
traits including: charm, cleverness, quit wittedness and their love of a
challenge. They are also crafty, competitive, envious
and have a flexible character. At times they are capable of great
they can be both self-centered and narcissistic and can often have a superiority
complex, believing themselves to be above others. They always manage to
give good reason for their deeds and with a total and unshakeable belief in
themselves, they feel that they always know best and are seldom
discouraged. Although they have a complete lack of impartiality they do have good
intellectual skill and good memories. The monkey has an avid
inquisitiveness but likes to find
the easy way out of any problems.
The year of the Monkey: is one where absolutely anything and everything is
possible, a year when things that appear impossible will succeed. With all of
success around no-one will know what they are doing. A haggling and
shamming it year full of luck and one where no-one will accept no for answer.
The Fire Monkey - bossy, lively, creative, motivated by rivalry and sexual.
The Wood Monkey - cautious, talkative, perceptive, motivated by
honesty and restless.
The Earth Monkey - motivated by curiosity, good-natured,
dependable, sullen, and methodical.
The Metal Monkey - motivated by constancy, affectionate, self-reliant,
stylish and sturdy.
The Water Monkey - collaborative, elusive, clever, motivated by amiability and sensitive.
Metal Monkey
Water Monkey
Wood Monkey
Fire Monkey
Earth Monkey
There is no special connection between Monkey and Horse. According to Chinese Five Elements theory, Horse contains strong Fire. Monkey contains mainly Metal. Metal is afraid of Fire. So Monkey will face some pressures in the year of Horse.
Monkey is a smart animal. It should accept the challenges from Horse. If Monkey can get on the horseback, then Monkey can go as anywhere they want. Therefore traveling is a good sign for Monkey people in 2014. If Monkey people want to look for better opportunity for their life, then they can consider to look for opportunities away from hometown.
Career: 2013 was a Snake year. Snake is in the Fire group. 2014 is a Horse year. Fire of Horse is stronger than Fire of Snake. If Monkey people need to do tiresome assignments within a busy schedule since 2013, then the job pressure will continue in 2014. You might have more errands. You might need to travel more. You might have tighter schedule. Monkey people should use their intelligence to challenge the stress.
2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 represents money to Monkey people. The money is on the top of Horse. Monkey must get on the horseback to own the money. If you can rein the Horse, then money is yours. If you cannot catch up the Horse, then you are always chasing the money.
Money: The Money Star appears in this Wooden Horse year. Therefore, the money opportunity is there. Monkey people just need to figure out how to get it. Money is on the horseback. This tells us that Monkey people must move faster and work harder to earn their income. It's not an easy job. It might need to take a little bit time. There is no easy money in the Horse year, you must spend your energy, sweat and time to exchange your reward. To travel out of town might be a better idea to locate your treasure.
However, remember that you shouldn't be too greedy after owning the money on the horseback. It's still dangerous there. If you cannot handle it, then you will fall down. When that happens, you will encounter the more pressure from money, even a lawsuit.
Love: There is no love connection between Monkey and Horse. So the love relationship is fair. It might have a ripple. But it will disappear soon. If you want to find a good companion, you still need to travel a little bit further to look for the opportunity. It's hard to find one around your current environment.
If you are in love, then you just have to maintain the existing relationship. You might have too busy career schedule to build a closer love relationship. If you are married, then minor quarrel is possible, but that's easy to avoid using your wisdom.
Health: Career or money pressure might bother Monkey people sometimes. Summer is a tough time. Monkey people need to enough sleep and good rest for their coming challenges. Monkey people might spend more time outdoor or away from the home. You should drive very carefully on the road and try to avoid dangerous sports.
There is minor unlucky star regarding family members in 2014. If you have seniors in your family, then you should say hello to them often and make sure they have good mood and health. If someone you love away from you, then it's nice to give them a call once for a while.
Interesting Monkey Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Peridot
Special Flower: Gladiola
Horoscope Colors: White, Violet, Green
The Rooster

The Rooster (JI)
Ruler of the
hours 5pm to 7pm
Direction - West
Season - Autumn/September
Fixed element - Metal negative
- Yin
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Rooster tend to hide their
conservative natures via a display of aggression and self-confidence,
however they are very "dignified". Roosters come in two types: those
that are very somber and those that are very communicative. They love to be
the focus
of attention, showing scant regard for the feelings of others and as a
result they are often susceptible to flattery and sycophancy. Other personality traits
include: vigilance, decisiveness, straightforwardness and accuracy. They
have a love of debate and dispute, but can also be very critical and
forthright. Roosters tend not to be very creative or adaptable, but
still like to be noticed and especially to be given awards. However they are
excellent with money and are great purists to the degree that they will
not allow for human weaknesses. Their minds work along
scientific lines and generally they are genuine and " well
The year of the Rooster: is one of a huge dissipation of energy, with only
a precarious balance, which can often lead to arguments. It is a
cautious year where no-one wants to listen to anyone else resulting in
many disagreements and " frayed nerves". However no-one will
undergo too much hardship.
The Fire Rooster - hard working, independent, motivated by principals,
and unpredictable.
The Wood Rooster - thoughtful, truthful, motivated by dependability, disciplined and
The Earth Rooster - well-organized, motivated by efficiency, scholarly,
methodical and modest.
The Metal Rooster - idealistic, hard working, motivated by inference,
opportunistic and practicable.
The Water Rooster - competent, lively, academic, motivated by ingenuity and practical.
Metal Rooster
Water Rooster
Wood Rooster
Fire Rooster
Earth Rooster
Chicken and Horse are farm animals. But Chicken doesn't like Horse, because Chicken feels pressure from Horse. According to Chinese Five Elements theory. Chicken is in Metal group. Horse in in Fire group. Fire can melt the Metal. That's why Chicken is afraid of Horse.
Chicken should have a great year in the year of Snake. Luckily, Chicken will continue to do well in the year of Horse. The Happiness Star, Heaven Star and Moon Star are toward Chicken people in the same time. This Horse year will be a wonderful one for Chicken people. The Love Star and Romantic Star are also appearing in 2014. Chicken people will have a joyful year for their love relationship.
Career: In Chinese Horoscopes, Horse contains Fire, Earth. Fire is related to Career Star to Chicken people. Fire brings Chicken people more job assignments and pressures, which is the job opportunity. Earth inside the Horse is related to someone offering assistances and protections for Chicken people. There is a Moon Star appearing in 2014. That implies the person helping you could be a female. Therefore, the people relationship in the office is very important to Chicken people. You need to build those relationships first. Otherwise, you cannot find them when you need help. Without people's help, Chicken is hard to challenge the pressure from Horse Fire.
Money: 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 represents Money to Chicken people. So Money is there. Chicken people have to find a way to get it. Since Money sits beside Horse, Chicken needs to conquer the pressure from Horse before reaching the money. That means Chicken people still need some effort, courage, energy and time to earn the money. Remember that you cannot be too greedy. If you make too much noise, then Horse might be disturbed and jump up to hurt you. In this case, money trouble might bring you a lawsuit.
Wood of 2014 is also connected to the Happiness Star. If you have better income, then you will know how to enjoy your life.
Love: Chicken and Horse don't have special love relationship, according to Chinese Five Elements theory. But Chicken people have very good luck in love relationship. The Romance Star appears in 2014. Chicken people will become popular in their social network. They will have more chances to meet the opposite sex. Wood of 2014 is connected to girlfriend or wife to a man. Therefore, male single Chicken people have better opportunity to find their new companion than females.
Another Love Star is for people in love. They should be able to build deeper love relationship. The marriage relationship is also possible. CombingRomance Star and Love Star is not good for married Chicken people. If they have double love relationships in the same time, they might end up a big money loss because of love affair. The worse case will become a lawsuit.
Health: Some pressure comes from the career. That will impact Chicken people's health once for a while. There are minor Unlucky Stars related to health in 2014. Sometimes, it will cause slight illness. If you watch your health often, have enough sleep and good rest, then you can recover pretty quick from those minor troubles. Senior or sick Chicken people need to pay attention on their respiratory system. They have better live in a good air quality community to protect their throat and lungs. The long-distance travel is not recommended for seniors and sick ones in the year of Horse year.
Interesting Rooster Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Citrine
Special Flower: Aster
Horoscope Colors: Orange, Green
The Dog

Ruler of the
hours 7pm to 9pm
Direction - West/Northwest
Season - Autumn/October
Fixed element - Metal positive
- Yang
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Dog tend to be very well liked as it
is one of the most popular of all of the animals. Dog people are:
truthful, clever, with a strong sense of fairness and devotion.
They never shirk their duties, they always do their fair share of things
and will always " listen to reason". They would never ignore a distress
call, often putting the well-being of others before their own and they
never abandon people. Other traits include: open-mindedness, never
envious, non money-minded and very adept at seeing straight through
others. However should you try to snoop into their affairs they can
become secretive and also give a cold shoulder to those who they don't
really like. They are also: intrepid, practical and " have great insight into
human nature". They can be belligerent, gloomy, be anxious for
no apparent reason and they
absolutely detest pretence. Inevitabilities are never put on hold,
neither is giving a clear-cut answer to something. Above all they are
never sly, underhand or crafty.
The year of the Dog: is a year for reflection and to assess ones
values. There will be disturbances, revolts, but as the Dog is
always on the lookout, honesty will always rule the day. This year will
see great benevolent and idealistic deeds and various unusual changes; a
time when broadmindedness and fairness will be supported. Although
this year is one of great cynicism a sense of balance and tranquility will be
The Fire Dog - dramatic, ferocious, alluring, motivated by strength of mind and
self confident.
The Wood Dog - adaptable, bighearted, motivated by logic and reason,
and affectionate.
The Earth Dog - motivated by morals, practical, careful,
enigmatic and wary.
The Metal Dog - generous, judicious, rigid, motivated by devotion and gracious.
The Water Dog - laid-back, instinctive, motivated by self-indulgence
and philosophical.
Metal Dog
Water Dog
Wood Dog
Fire Dog
Earth Dog
Both Dog and Horse are farm animals. They must have many things in common. They are intelligent and would like to serve their masters. That's why they could become the best friends to human. Sometimes, their masters will send Dog to the the Horse's stable during the night as Horse's companion. According to Chinese Horoscopes, Dog and Horse also have attraction relationship because of Fire. That's tell us Dog and Horse can get along well. In other words, Dog will have a very good people relationship in the year of Horse.
The Lucky Stars and Unlucky Stars arrive toward Dog people in 2014. Therefore, Dog people have mixing good and bad luck in the Horse year. Lucky Stars bring good opportunities in career, money and love area. In the same time, Unlucky Stars set up some traps on the road to your success. As long as Dog people can adjust their attitude to face the challenges, 2014 will be one of the great years to you.
Career: 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 represents the Career Star to Dog people. That means Horse opens the career opportunity to you. Career always brings people pressures. In Chinese Five Element theory, Dog is in Earth group. Horse is in Fire group. Fire is the mother element of Earth; Fire will protect and support Earth. This will make you much easier in career development, because Horse Fire will take over the pressures from the Wood.
There is a Military General Star coming toward Dog people in 2014. That's is a sign of power and leadership. But another Unlucky Tiger Star is watching Dog people in the same time. That means your enemy is on the same career path with you and you have strong competition in 2014. In order to win the game, Dog people can spend more time with your friends and supporters to build solid relationship. You can ask their opinions often for major decisions. Also, you still need to play in low-profile. Humble and modest behaviors are safer when the villain is around. If you can earn the recognition from most of coworkers, then you will have a very successful career year.
Money: The major event of 2014 will be in the career year. There is no strong Money Star appearing in this Horse Year. In Chinese Five Element system, Water represents money to Dog people. Horse of 2014 contains no Water. Therefore, your major earning will come from career's salary or other fixed income. There is no sign for windfall or easy money. The short-term money investment won't bring you a quick return. If you are busy in career development, then you can ask someone good at financial management to give your a long-term investment plan. In general, the money luck of Dog people is fair and stable in the year of Horse year.
Love: Dog people have good people relationship in 2014. You will spend more time in the social activities. You will feel that it's much easier to make friends from the social world than the previous year. If you are single, then 2014 is a good year to try the new relationship. But you have to keep in mind. the competition is out there. Wood of 2014 represents the Husband or Boyfriend Star to a female. Therefore, if you are female and single, then 2014 is good year to find your ideal companion.
If you always have a relationship, then its good time to think about deeper relationship by knowing more about the family members of your lover. If your are married, then your marriage life will be full of love. If you are a female, then you will care and spend more time with your husband in 2014.
Health: Dog people might have some pressures from their career. Those pressure might cause slight illness to you. As long as Dog people can have enough sleeping and good rest, they should be able to recover very quickly for those minor troubles. There is an Unlucky Star regarding the health toward Dog people in 2014. That's is a sign of injury. Dog people might increase their social activities and spend more time in travel. So you just need to watch the safety on the road and try to avoid dangerous sports.
Dog is in the Earth group. Horse contains Fire and Earth. Fire is the Mother Element of Earth and can burn more into Earth. It's possible that Dog people have too much Earth in 2014. Too much Earth will cause the problem in digestion system. Therefore Dog people have to to watch their diet to protect their intestines and stomach. Too much Earth might absorb too much Water. If Water is too less, then that's will impact the urinary system. which are bladder and kidney.
Interesting Dog Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Diamond
Special Flower: Marigold
Horoscope Colors: Silver and Red
The Pig

Ruler of the
hours 9pm to 11pm
Direction - North/Northwest
Season - Autumn/November
Fixed element - Water negative
- Yin
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Boar tend to be: brave, giving, like commitment,
unpretentious, incredibly enduring, reliant, strong
and trusty. They are very patient, loyal and do not hold
grudges; they also make very good tutors. As a result of their
loyal and thoughtful natures Boars make very many permanent companions,
although they do expect others to put up with their shortcomings. They
detest quarrels, but they can be somewhat patronizing and
"naive"; this leads to
a certain amount of gullibility. Boars are selfless, hot
tempered, quick surmount their problems and always enjoy good
fortune. Even though others may be entirely wrong, Boars will still
listen to them. On the whole Boars are quite happy, they tend to
remain in the background of any situations and are very loyal and
considerate. Sometimes they are taken very much for granted.
The year of the Boar: is one of benevolence, one with a lot of 'feel good
factor', one of " abundance" and a good year for business. Life in this
year will be lived to the full and although there will be uncertainty it
will be minimal. It is a rich year with impetuous acts, but care
is recommended with any matters concerning money. The Boar is the
symbol for great courage and integrity.
The Fire Boar - deep, motivated by affection, stubborn, sensual and
The Wood Boar - deceitful, kind-hearted, scheming, motivated by
ambition and shrewd.
The Earth Boar - welcoming, motivated by common-sense, calm, industrious and
The Metal Boar - bossy, lively, extroverted, motivated by fortitude and
patience and is full of pride.
The Water Boar - motivated by belief, insightful, unrelenting and
Metal Pig
Water Pig
Wood Pig
Fire Pig
Earth Pig
Pigs don't have to do any farm work for human. They just eat, drink and sleep in the pen. They are treated as lucky animal in Chinese horoscopes. Horse is useful animal to human. They can do the job in the farmland. They also help people traveling. Pig spends most of time indoor and Horse almost stay outdoor. They shouldn't disturb each other.
In Chinese Five Elements theory, Pig is in the Water group. and Horse is in the Fire group. Water and Fire are opposite elements. They should fight each other. But Pig and Horse can live peaceful. The following is the reason. Pig contains Male Water and Male Wood. Horse contains Female Fire and Female Earth. In Chinese horoscopes, Male Water of Pig and Female of Horse have attraction relationship. Male Wood of Pig and Female Earth of Horse also have attraction relationship. This means Pig and Horse look incompatible. but they can get along pretty well. This is a good lucky sign for Pig people in 2014.
There are Moon Star, Money Star, Consumption Star and Sick Star appearing in year of Wooden Horse. The lucky stars and unlucky stars are mixing together. Comparing with the year of Snake, Pig people have much better luck in 2014.
Career: Basically Pig is Water and Horse is Fire. Pig will be busy to pull off Fire. 2014 is Wooden Horse. Wood of 2014 makes Pig smarter. That means Pig people will be very busy in this career. Pig people need lots of energy and brain power for their work. The Moon Star of 2014 implies a female friend or coworker coming to help your job assignments and career development. The career opportunity shows pretty good in 2014. Your income may increase from your job.
Since the Consumption Star is around, you need to pay for your cost - time, energy and sweat to exchange the return or reward. If you don't have energy to do it, then someone else will take over your task. Therefore, you need to make sure you have good health and energy to face the career challenges. As long as not be lazy, you will have a great career achievement in the end of the Horse year.
Money: Horse contains Fire, which is related to money to Pig people. Wood of 2014 is connected to the wisdom to Pig people. This means Pig people will use their knowledge to earn their income. Another good news is that a hidden Money Star comes toward Pig people. Also, the social relationship is great to Pig people in 2014, Pig people may be able to receive good financial advices from closed friends or relatives. The increasing wealth is expected.
Fire of Wood Horse is strong. Pig people will be deal with money event a lot. Although, Pig people have good money income luck. But their expense will increase in the same time. If you do too much on the risky investment or work with too greedy friends, then you still have a chance of money loss. The good approach is to spend money on your family members or relatives or to donate money to charity. You will feel your money spending is meaningful.
Love: If you are single, you have good opportunity to find your love in 2014. You may have difficulty to spot your style in the social activities. But you cannot judge people from the outlook or appearances, you have to try any possibility. The reason is Pigs don't like to run and Horses like to run fast. Their personalities are not quite compatible. Actually, Pig and Horse are compatible. They just like to weave their love story secretly. Since they don't like to announce their relationship in public, they prefer to talk softly, not loudly. If you cannot show your tender side, then it will take time to find your love.
If you are in love or married, then your love relationship should be pretty well. However, if you hold on two love relationships simultaneously, then the love relationship might bring you big trouble, because an unlucky Killer Star is around. The Fire of Horse could burn your love to ashes.
Health: Pig is Water and Horse is Fire. Pig people might need to spend too much energy and brain power to handle career and money in the Horse year. There is a Sick Star appearing in 2014. When you are tired, then you must stop everything, then take a big rest. If you feel uncomfortable for a while, then you must visit your doctor. Do not forget your annual physical examination. If you are not in good health, then you have better not to visit patients in hospital. As long as you don't neglect your health, you will be fine in the year of Horse.
Interesting Pig FactsZodiac Stone: Ruby
Special Flower: Chrysanthemum
Horoscope Colors: Purple, Red, White
The Rat

The Rat (SHU)
Ruler of the
hours 11pm to 1am
Direction - North
Season - Winter/December
Fixed element - Water positive
Yin/Yang - Yang
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Rat tend to be forthright, generous
and easy going to all of those that they love and care for. They
generally have happy, lively personalities and are very outgoing, although
they can get very edgy when upset. On the whole they are successful
in what they choose to do and are full of imagination and possess very
good memories. During a crisis rats come into their own because they
are level headed and intuitive, but often their energies can be scattered
by their over ambitious tendencies. If their over ambitious
enthusiasm can be avoided there is no reason why Rats should not do
well. The Rat is a lover of money and a hater of waste and idleness.
The year of the Rat: is symbolic of opportunity and good prospects.
Business in general is forecast as being good although it is possible that
bleak years will follow. However anything that began in the year of
the Rat should in theory be successful.
The Fire Rat - aggressive, dynamic, competitive, competitively
motivated, self-determining and is full of ideals.
The Wood Rat - inquisitive, intuitive, apprehensive, adaptable, is motivated
by diligence and is not very conventional.
The Earth Rat - trusty, adult, is motivated by permanence, is realistic and sanctimonious.
The Metal Rat - sensitive, idealistic, envious, is motivated by
thought and is possessive.
The Water Rat - shrewd, perceptive, is motivated by education, is
traditional and understanding.
Metal Rat
Water Rat
Wood Rat
Fire Rat
Earth Rat
Horse doesn't like Rat at all. They said Horse will die when it eats the feces of Rat. Therefore, Rat people's fortune won't be too good in 2014 Horse year. According to Chinese Horoscopes Five-Element theory, Rat is in Water group and Horse is in Fire group. Fire is afraid of Water. But horse contains strongest Fire among 12 animals. Fire of Horse and Water of Rat will fight badly together. That's a sign of quarrel and dispute.
2013 of Snake year is the first year of Fire cycle. 2014 of Horse year is the second year of Fire Cycle. If you do well in 2013, then you will continue to do well in 2014. If 2013 did bring you bad luck, then you have to watch out in 2014 and prepare to face coming troubles. Fire is related to money to Rat. The major activity in 2014 must be something to do with money and friends.
Rat contains Water. Horse contains Fire and Earth. Earth can make Water disappear and bring pressure on Rat. To fight with Fire and Earth, Rat Water will be exhausted in 2014. Therefore, Rat people will feel not enough energy in 2014.
Career: Rat people's career in 2014 won't be good. The main reason is Horse and Rat have hostile and fighting relationship. That is the sign of disagreement or argument. That means the career path is not smooth and stable. Horse can run fast, which is a sign of movement and traveling. So you will have busy schedule for your job assignments. You might have to work extra hours or have to work out of town. A relocation for new job assignment is possible. Chancing a new position or new company is also possible. All these are good signs. If you don't accept the challenge, you will lose the opportunity during the competition.
If you complain lots of pressure on your position, then you won't be happy in the office. Either you change a new boss or new company, the new position will still keep you busy. Your people relationship is poor in the Horse year. You have better be patient and not have any conflicts with people. Otherwise, you will face more obstacles in your career development. Keeping a low profile is the key to have a peaceful career in 2014.
Money: Your money luck is fair in 2014. Horse contain Fire. Rat is Water. Fire is connected to money to Rat people. Therefore money related activities will increase. Rat people will see many money opportunities, but they have to fight to own it. If you win, then Horse brings you good income. If you lose, then Horse brings a money loss. Since there is an Exhausted Star to Rat people in 2014. This tells us that money pressure makes you tired and you might feel short of money in the year of Horse.
Rat people need lots of wisdom to manage their financial investment in the Horse year. They must be alert and take more considerations before taking investment decisions. If you need to look for the investment partners or financial advisors, you can find the people born in year of Dragon or Monkey. They can help you to fight with the pressure from Horse and protect your wealth. As long as you are not greedy, you will have stable income.
Love: The Love relationship for Rat people in 2014 is poor. Rat is in Water Group and Horse is in Fire Group. Therefore, Rat and Horse cannot get along too well. Pig people shouldn't expect a good result in love relationship. However, if you are a male, then Horse is connected to a female to you. So male Rat people have better chances to meet the opposite sex in 2014. You still can succeed in looking for love, if you can avoid conflict and quarrel with friends around.
If you are single and looking for love, then the first step is to spend more time and money for social activities. You might know or meet someone you like far away from your house. You might need to drive a little bit further to meet him or her. Or you might find someone special from Internet social network. If you are lucky, then love will keep you busy. If you are already in love, then can spend more time to maintain your relationship. If you are married, then you can plan for your vacation on traveling to enjoy your love relationship. Year of Horse is easier to bring up argument or dispute to Rat people. As long as Rat people can control their temper, the love relationship will be fine.
Health: Rat people might need to consume lots of brain power and energy for their income in 2014. Since Horse year will be a busy year, you have to learn how to manage your schedule and reserve time for enough rest and relax after work. If you ruin your health, then you might lose your opportunity on your career and wealth. If you have health issue on kidney, bladder or cardiovascular system in 2013, then you need to continue monitor the condition to prevent it becoming a bigger problem in 2014.
Interesting Rat Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Garnet
Special Flower: Narcissus
Horoscope Colors: Black, White, Purple
The Ox

The Ox (NIU)
Ruler of the
hours 1am to 3am
Direction - North/Northeast
Season - Winter/January
Fixed element - Water negative
Yin/Yang - Yin
Personality Traits:
People born under the sign of the Ox are generally calm, dependable,
patient and unflagging. The Ox is symbolic of prosperity that is
achieved through hard work. Although obstinate they do have logical
minds and will not be easily frightened. They appreciate that in order
to achieve success things must be done in a certain methodical and
correct way. Ox people are seldom deprived and tend to be both
reliable and conventional. They are patient, but once angry and
incensed it will be difficult to reason with them, they also have a
propensity to hold grudges. Ruled more by their heads than hearts they
are full of pride and uncompromising and in order to be happier they
should nurture their sense of humor.
The year of the Ox: is one in which success will escape without a
sustained, mindful effort. The sort of problems that are
encountered in the year of the Ox tend to be home front problems that seem
to be never ending. The Ox year needs discipline and it is not the
time for unruly behaviour or taking short cuts. In this year
success is achieved solely through hard work.
The Fire Ox - powerful, money-oriented, motivated by combat, but is
also objective.
The Wood Ox - traditional, accommodating, ethical, fair-minded and motivated
by honesty.
The Earth Ox - resolute, enduring, motivated by patience, is focused and
The Metal Ox - confrontational, conceited, bright, intense and motivated
by conviction.
The Water Ox - systematic, motivated by strength of mind, is patient,
practicable and levelheaded.
Metal Ox
Water Ox
Wood Ox
Fire Ox
Earth Ox
Cow is an animal that lives in the farm. Horse is treated better than Cow by human. People always prepare a big running ground for Horses. Cow do more hardship farming job than Horses. Cow may be jealous on Horse. The relationship between Cow and Horse is not too good. In Chinese horoscope, Cow is in Earth group and Horse is in Fire group. Fire is the mother element of Earth, since Fire can burn things into Earth. Fire is related to parents, education and protection to Cow. So actually Horse cares about Cow. Since Cow people will receive benefits from parents, they will care about their family members, too. In Chinese Five Element theory, Cow contains Earth with some Water. So Cow is connected to a moist soil or organic farmland. Fire of Horse is connected to sunshine. Without growing vegetable or plant, the land is wasted. 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood is connected to tree or plant. Therefore, Cow people can expect a good harvest in 2014. |
Career: 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 is the Career Star to Cow. Cow people will focus on their energy on career in 2014. Career Wood will bring opportunity and pressure on Cow. Horse to Cow is the Parent Star. Horse will help Cow to handle the pressure. That means someone will help Cow people when the problem appears. Therefore, Cow people's career luck should be much better than the previous year.
Snake of 2013 is also a Fire year. Basically, the career luck will carry over from 2013. If you did well in 2013, Then 2014 will bring you even better career opportunity. However, there is an issue when Horse comes too close Cow. Horse contains Fire and Earth, which is related to your boss, partners or competitors. Since Cow people are hardworking animal with tiny complaint, your boss or partners might give you extra works or responsibilities to make you extremely busy. If your tasks are overloaded, then your productivity falls and your reputation will be damaged.
Money: Water is connected to money to Cow people. There is no Water in the Wooden Horse year. Therefore, money luck to Cow is fair in 2014. Cow people should look for stable income from the salary job. Any short-term risky investment is not recommended. To invest money on real estates or house improvement is a better approach. Basically, money management should use the same method as Snake year. If you have money loss last year, you must be too greedy and didn't read our advices in 2013.
Love: Horse is the Romantic Star to Cow. That implies that Cow people have good people relationship and have better opportunity to meet the opposite sex in 2014. But since the mutual hurting relationship of Cow and Horse, The love relationship to Cow people in 2014 is hard to end up a good result. If you look for a love, then it's difficult to find someone who wants to commit a long-term relationship with you. If you are married or in love, then you have to pay attention on the feeling inside your lover. The love relationship to Cow people is full of suspicion, distrust, critic, complaint and damages. You need to learn how to tolerate, accept, understand, considerate and forgive the one you love. This is the simple way to avoid to bruise each other.
By the way, green Cow and white Horse are bad combination for love relationship. Those people will constantly argue on many subjects. They can make up, but won't last too long.
Health: Horse is the Parent Star to Cow. Cow people should know how to take care their health. Horse is a Travel Star and it might hurt Cow. Therefore, Cow people should watch out their safety while traveling. Fire is also related to medical care to Cow. When driving, you should focus on the road to avoid any accident.
Cow people should do the regular exercise and take enough time to rest and relax as last year. Cow people should pay attention on the digestion system, which are intestines and stomach.
Interesting Ox Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Aquamarine
Special Flower: Carnation
Horoscope Colors: Green, Yellow, Black

The Tiger (HU)
Ruler of the
hours 3am to 5am
Direction - East/Northeast
Season - Winter/February
Fixed element - Wood positive
Yin/Yang - Yang
Personality Traits:
born under the year of the Tiger tend to have very go-ahead
personalities, they love to be the centre of attention and are often
very fortunate and full of drive. Although they are often skeptical by
nature they can make rash decisions, but above all they are loving,
giving, and genuine. They tend to immerse themselves in any of their
undertakings and while full of optimism they are not materialistic.
Intensity as opposed to logical best describes a Tiger person. At
their worst they are stubborn, self-centred and awkward but on the plus
side they can also be sensitive and sympathetic. They will go to great
lengths to reap their revenge and detest being ignored. As a tiger,
life will be filled with just about every emotion and very volatile;
and being great optimists life will also be full of many challenges
The year of the Tiger: is a very likely to be a volatile year, everything is taken to its
limit in this big and bold year. It can also be a year of war,
disasters and all kinds of disputes, it is a year for massive change
but this can also bring out the best.
The Fire Tiger - dramatic, self-reliant, giving, motivated by
enthusiasm and is quirky.
The Wood Tiger - enchanting, pioneering, scheming, motivated by
co-operation and is tolerant.
The Earth Tiger - hard working, academic, motivated by worth, is
impartial and responsible.
The Metal Tiger - aggressive, attractive, diligent, motivated by self
interest and selfish.
The Water Tiger - perceptive, motivated by tranquility, is unbiased, open
minded and honest.
Metal Tiger
Water Tiger
Wood Tiger
Fire Tiger
Earth Tiger
Tiger is a carnivorous animal. But Horse can share a land with Tiger. Maybe Horse can outrun the Tiger. In Chinese Five Element theory, Horse contains mainly Fire. Tiger contains mainly Wood. Wood helps Fire to burn. Wood is the mother Element of Fire. Mother and Child elements won't fight each other. Therefore, Tiger and Horse can get along together.
According to Chinese horoscopes, Tiger and Horse have attraction relationship because of Fire. That is the main reason that Tiger and Horse can get along well together. This is good sign for Tiger people. But there is unlucky Ghost Star appearing in 2014. Therefore, the fortune of Tiger people is mixing good and bad in 2104. While everything goes smoothly, Tiger people still need to pay attention on any ghost behind them. It's possible that a villain plans to pull your legs because of jealousness. In short, Tiger people shouldn't get dizzy with success. Otherwise, good luck might become a misfortune.
Career: Tiger contains Wood, which is related to tree. Horse contains Fire. Fire is sunshine and energy, which helps tree growing taller. With the help from Horse, Tiger will improve its working ability and expand its responsibilities. 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 will let Tiger becoming even stronger. That is a sign of leadership. People around will support you. It's a good time to express your creativities to people. A Salary Star is also appearing in 2014. That is the sign of extra income. Also, this implies the opportunity of promotion.
Fire of Horse is the Child Element to Wood of Tiger. Parents always spend energy on their children. Horse is also a Travel Star. Therefore, Horse will make Tiger busy and tired. If your job's workload increases in 2014, then that is normal and that is the opportunity to show your capability to people. And you should be able to overcome the challenge in the Wooden Horse year.
Money: The Salary Star comes Cow people in Wooden Horse year. Firstly, you must hold a job. Then, you will have a decent and stable income. This money luck is not from windfall, gambling or risky investment. You need to spend some energy, strength and sweat to get it.
Horse contains Fire and some Earth. Earth is connected to money to Tiger people. So Tiger enters the land of money opportunity in 2014. Since your people relationship is good, people will invite you for financial investment. If you are involved the investment, then you shouldn't count on your money luck to wait for your return. you still need to monitor the investment carefully to make sure your investment safe. This is because that the Ghost Star is wandering around and looking for chances to take advantage over Tiger people. In general, as long as you focus on your career, then you don't have to worry about the money income.
Love: The love relationship for Tiger people in the year of Horse is pretty good. Tiger people's people relationship in 2013 is poor. If you still have the connection, then it's about time to try for a closer relationship. Tiger, Horse and Dog are very good combination for love relationship. If you are looking for love, then try on people born in year of Horse or year of Dog. It's easier to start up the relationship with them.
If your love relationship is unstable now, then you have to watch anyone sowing discord between you and your lover. You need to build your relationship constantly and not let the emotion of love cool down. Otherwise, your rival in love will win the competition.
Health: Tiger people will be full of energy in the year of Wooden Horse year. And Tiger people will have a good mood, because of their good people relationship. Your outdoor activities will increase. You might spend more time in travel. So you just need to watch the safety on the road. It's easy to get hurt on your arms or legs in 2014. Before you do exercise, you must do enough warm up to avoid injury. If you have trouble regarding to cardiovascular and digestion systems for a while, then it's time to visit your doctor to check it up.
Interesting Tiger Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Sapphire
Special Flower: Violet
Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue, Yellow
The Rabbit

The Rabbit (TU)
Ruler of the hours 5am to 7am
Direction - East
Season - Spring/March
Fixed element - Wood negative
Yin/Yang - Yin
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Rabbit tend to be fortunately blessed, strong willed, hate disagreements, careful, unobtrusive, systematic and confident. The Rabbit is one of the most fortunate of all the Chinese star signs. With their live and let live attitude toward life they don't often get into trouble and seldom make enemies. Although they can often put themselves first due to their fondness for comfort, they are considerate, kind and thoughtful towards others. Rabbits are said to be elegant and kindly and the Rabbit is the symbol of long life. They are said to draw their life energy from the moon. Although being graceful, kind and sensitive and leading tranquil lives, they do have a tendency towards being removed, indifferent and somewhat temperamental. In business they do tend to be fortunate but this comes from being shrewd, crafty and hardnosed. On the whole the Rabbit likes an easy, good time and gives sensible solid advice, although they do shy away from commitments.
The year of the Rabbit: is in sharp contrast to the explosive year of the tiger. It is a year of placidity and respite where little will be set in stone; a carefree happy year that will be both temperate and relaxed.
The Fire Rabbit - loving, unobtrusive, sensitive, perceptive and motivated by appreciation.
The Wood Rabbit - thoughtful, kindly, motivated by generosity, is liberal and compassionate.
The Earth Rabbit - fair, withdrawn, money-oriented, motivated by appropriation and is solemn.
The Metal Rabbit - crafty, rational, temperamental, sensitive and motivated by attention to detail.
The Water Rabbit - empathic, delicate, motivated by peace, is also biased and introvert.
Metal Rabbit
Water Rabbit
Wood Rabbit
Fire Rabbit
Earth Rabbit
Rabbit is a shy, alert and resourceful animal. It can run very quickly. But Horse can run even faster. Horse can inspire Rabbit's potential, creativity and courage. In Chinese Five Elements theory, Rabbit is in the Wood group. Wood is related to tree. Horse contains Fire, Fire is related to Sun. Tree always need the energy from Sun to grow taller. Therefore, When Rabbit meets Horse, Rabbit receives lots of benefits from Horse. 2014 must be a good year to Rabbit people.
There are Happiness Star, Romantic Star, Sun Star and Blessing Star appearing in year of Wooden Horse. Rabbit people will do well in their career development. They will have good people relationship with their friends and good love relationship with their families. A surprising, joyful and happy event will happen in 2014.
Career: 2014 is Wooden Horse Year. Wood of 2014 brings Rabbit friends, supports and courage. Horse contains Fire and Earth. Earth represents money to Rabbit. Therefore, Horse brings Rabbit talent and money. The conclusion is Rabbit people can handle any challenges of career and earn a good income from their jobs in 2014.
Rabbit people are kind, clam, poised with outstanding talent. They will have many idea out of their mind for their jobs. They also have endless energy to implement their tasks. They have good people relationship in their working environment. Their communication skill will be improved significantly. All these factors will help Rabbit people working easy in the office. But they don't have too much chance for a job promotion, since the Career Star doesn't appear in 2014. But their pay will increase, because the Money Star is hidden in the Horse.
When Rabbit learns how to run faster from Horse, Rabbit might become proud, then arrogant. This will impact the career development. Be nice to people and stay away the political competition are very important for your future career path.
Money: The money luck is great to Rabbit people in 2014. Rabbit people will use more their talent, appearance, reputation and presentation to earn money. Either you work for someone or own your business, you must use their brain and wisdom to pursuit extra income. This kind of opportunity in 2014 won't happen every year. If you are too lazy, then you still have a good financial year, but you won't have extra saving.
Rabbit people will spend more their time on social activities in the Horse year. Your social expense will increase. If you have personal money transitions with friends, that's not a good idea. If a friend invites you a risky adventure for a quick return, then that's not a good idea, either. There is a sign of money loss related to friends in 2014. Your income must earn using your energy or brain. Your money luck is good in 2014, but you still need to watch the risk.
Love: Both Romantic Star and Happiness Star are coming in the year of Horse. The love relationship to Rabbit people is super. Rabbit people don't have too much love opportunity last year, because there was a Lonely Star in 2013. 2014 is totally different. If you are looking for love, then it's time to go out to join social activities. Your appearance and expression will impress people and people will pay more attention on you. The friendship will build from there.
If you are in love, then it's time to build deeper relationship. The engagement or marriage opportunity is possible. But don't push yourself too hard. To respect your lover's feeling and opinion is very critical. If you are marred and plan for a baby, then 2014 is a good year to welcome the new born. This is because that the animal of Rabbit can reproduce its next generation very fast.
Health: Just like in 2013, Rabbit people need to use lots of brain power for their career and people relationship. Since the busy schedule, Rabbit people should learn better time management for your task and the social events. To maintain a good health is required enough rest and relaxation. There is a hurting sign in 2014. Rabbit people might have to travel more than last year. You should focus the driving safety while on the road.
2014 is a Wooden Horse year, which is a strong Fire year. It's possible that Rabbit people have too much Fire or too less Water in 2014. Too much Fire will cause problem in cardiovascular system. Too less Water will cause problem in urinary system.
Interesting Rabbit Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Pearl
Special Flower: Jonquil
Horoscope Colors: Grey, White
The Dragon

The Dragon (LONG)
Ruler of the
hours 7am to 9am
Direction - East/Southeast
Season - Spring/April
Fixed element - Wood positive
Yin/Yang - Yang
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Dragon appear to have magical traits,
they are strong and full of energy and forever on the go.
Some of their more negative traits include: eccentricity, a tendency
towards being arrogant and very trying. However they do have
many fans and expect the same level of excellence from others that
they expect from themselves. They are also full of pride. Other traits
include: failing to practice what they preach, over confident, a tendency
to intimidate others, feel themselves to be above the law, and can be
illogical, domineering and obstinate. In many cases they fail to
identify their foes. Although energetic they are liable to become
obsessive. On the plus side they seldom hold grudges and are
generally quick to forgive. Dragons are said to be able to
accomplish great things and those born in this year are also said to
represent the horns of destiny. Needing a cause for which to fight,
Dragons will never merely stand back and accept their fate or what life
The year of the Dragon: is one that brings happiness and good
fortune. It is one of the most positive and strongest of all of the
twelve star signs. During the year of the Dragon their will be
violent acts of nature, with an electrifying ambience and things coming in
waves. For those considering marriage or starting a new venture or
business it is an favourable year.
The Fire Dragon - challenging, compassionate, fair, motivated by aspiration
and is virtuous.
The Wood Dragon - arrogant, giving, logical, motivated by inspiration and
The Earth Dragon - courageous, motivated by jurisdiction, is practical,
steady and leisurely.
The Metal Dragon - truthful, intense, motivated by contest, is
resolute and inflexible.
The Water Dragon - democratic, dedicated, unrestrained, motivated by
negotiation and is also dependable.
Metal Dragon
Water Dragon
Wood Dragon
Fire Dragon
Earth Dragon
Chinese Dragon is an animal in the sky. Horse is an animal on the ground. They are in the separate world. They don't have too much in common. Both of them like to complete to be a leader. They don't have direct conflict. But it's hard for them to become close friends.
Year of Horse brings in more Unlucky Stars than Lucky Stars to Dragon people. When people are lucky, they can find someone's help when they are in trouble. Dragon people are not that lucky in the Horse year. Dragon people will face different problems in 2014. But their close friends are not around. Dragon people need to deal with the trouble by themselves. Year of Horse will be a challenge year for Dragon people.
Note: This view is from Traditional Chinese Horoscopes. Chinese Five Element Astrology might give you different opinion, which determines people luck by Five Elements, not animals.
Career: The people relationship will become poor to Dragon people in 2014. Dragon people need to open their eyes to identify who are the friends or who are the enemies. They should always think twice before next move. It's not a good idea to show your aggressive ambition on the career competition. To changing job in the beginning of the Horse Year is not a smart move. either. There is an Up-and-Down Star in 2014. That's is a sign of uncertainty.
It's time to contact your close friends often. When you need help, they can be found soon. When they are available, you won't feel alone. So you can make your decision firmly and quickly by considering their advices or opinions. As long as courage and confidence with you, you should be able to handle the career development in 2014.
Money: There is a Golden Star appearing in 2014. That sign shows Dragon people have chance to meet rich and noble person. Another meaning is you will deal with money related task or activity often. That means you can see many money opportunities there. But that doesn't mean you can have them all.
In Five Element theory, Dragon contains mainly Earth. Water is connected to money to Dragon. Year of Horse contains Fire and Earth. There is no Water in the 2014. That tells us that no strong money luck toward Dragon people in 2014. So the money luck is unstable. Basically, Dragon people shouldn't do risky investment. There is no easy income in 2014. You must use your energy and mind to earn your reward. If you need to do an investment, it's better to ask financial experts to suggest your a financial plan before taking action. When doing the investment, you can choose Water related fields such as marine, transportation, shipping, swimming, drinking, public media, broadcasting, social work or Internet.
Love: The luck of love relationship is fair to Dragon people in 2014. Horse won't bring too much chemistry of love to Dragon. If you are single and looking for love, then you need to be patient because there is no Romance Star toward you in 2014. You have better chance in the March, August, September and November.
If you are in love, then the love relationship development will be slow. That's fine. As long as you can hold on the relationship. If you are married, you probably will be busy for your career and money income. But sometimes you should be slow down, take a rest and spend time for your family.
Health: The health luck to Dragon people is below average. since some pressures might come from career, finance or love area. The worry and depression might constantly haunt around. You can to find your close friends to talk about your feelings. That will help you to relax your body and soul, then bring back your energy and spirit.
Dragon people also have to pay attention on the safety, because of an injury sign showing in 2014. They must drive very carefully on the road to avoid the hospital treatment. The activities related to ocean, lake, boating and swimming are not recommended. To have enough sleep and rest is a simple way to relax yourself. Dragon people shouldn't miss regular meals. So you have good health and full energy to accept challenges.
Interesting Dragon Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Amethyst
Special Flower: Sweet Pea
Horoscope Colors: Black, Gold

The Snake (SHE)
Ruler of the
hours 9am to 11am
Direction - South/Southwest
Season - Spring/May
Fixed element - Fire negative
- Yin
Personality Traits:
People born under the year of the Snake tend to exhibit the following
characteristics: they are intellectual, superstitious, sceptical, astute,
have elegance, innate wisdom, and
possibly some levels of supernatural capability. Snake people rarely seek
independent advice or advice from others, possibly because on the whole
they don't communicate well with others. They tend to be very
private people, but when they are riled they like to " settle old
scores". Generally they are very deliberate about whatever they say.
They like to think first and speak later and they also have a cautious
business sense. It is in their nature to be very unremitting and
suspicious and this results in a character that is both slow to forgive,
highly calculative, somewhat hateful in nature and can certainly bide
their time in order to reap their revenge. Other features include:
leading dangerous lives that are full of thrills and intrigue, yet they
keep a firmness of purpose and a clear presence of mind.
The year of the Snake: is a somewhat changeable year, filled with
preparation, contemplation and much reflection. Often breakthroughs are
made but achieved in silence. Generally the Snake year is not a calm year, possibly a year of
sharp dealings, turmoil and even war if
differences cannot be resolved. To sum up: the year of the snake is the
strongest most negative force of all of the signs.
The Fire Snake - self-assured, masterful, motivated by authority and
power, wary
and unbending.
The Wood Snake - constant, discreet, serious, fascinating, motivated
by understanding and accord.
The Earth Snake - traditional, trusty, is motivated by
rationality, unrelenting and dependable.
The Metal Snake - scheming, vigorous, cautious and is motivated by commitment.
The Water Snake - inquiring, money oriented, a thinker, motivated
by " insight" and is "patient".
Metal Snake
Water Snake
Wood Snake
Fire Snake
Earth Snake
2013 shouldn't be a great year for most of the Snake people. This is because there are too many taboos when Snake people are in the Snake Year. 2014 is Year of Horse. In Chinese Five Elements theory, Snake and Horse are in Fire group. They are same gang. They can get along well. That's a 2014 good news for Snake people.
The lucky Salary Star, Intelligent Star and Romance Star come toward Snake people in 2014. The career luck, money luck and people relationship will be good. Year of Horse is the time to re-boot your life. Snake people need to learn from Horse, move faster and even fly higher to move up your level of life for yourself and family.
Career: Your hardship, discipline and cultivation from the previous year bring you good results this year. 2014 is Wooden Horse year. Wood is related to Snake's education and Intelligence. Snake people will become much smarter. Since your people relationship will be good, a career promotion is possible. Also, the Salary Star appears in 2014, your pay is not only stable, the salary raise will come.
If you are in school, your academic achievement will have big improvement. If you want to attend an examination for career license or looking for a government job, then the Intelligent Star will help you to reach your goal.
Money: Snake people have slow income last year. In 2014, Snake people have very good career luck. The career position brings people the fixed and stable income. Snake people also have clear mind and creative idea in the year of Horse. They can start a new project or new investment to pursuit their wealth in 2014. Since Salary Star comes toward you, you can try on any job opportunity for better pay. In short, you must earn money from your wisdom. To gamble a risky investment without using brain is still danger. Male Snake people will do better investment and know how to earn money easier and quicker than Female Snake people in 2014.
Love: In Chinese horoscopes, Horse and Snake have attraction relationship because of Fire. Also, Horse brings a Romantic Star to Snake people in 2014. Therefore, the love relationship of Snake people must be great this year. If you are a single, it's time to join the social activities to find your companion. If you are in love, then your love relationship will be sweeter. You should think about a deeper relationship. If you are married, then you will have a wonderful marriage life in 2014. If you have double love relationships, then the Romantic Star could bring your trouble.
Health: There is a slight illness sign showing in 2014. That shouldn't create a big issue. As long as Snake people have good habit of enough sleep, right eating, proper exercise and good sanitation in your daily life, they will recover their health quickly when any small illness occurs. Senior Snake people might have to watch their health more often. Senior people should avoid to plan for a long-distance travel during the summer.
2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Horse is Fire and Wood helps Fire to burn longer. Snake is Fire, too. The Fire is too strong in 2014. It's possible that Snake people have too much Fire or too less Water in 2014. Too much Fire will cause problem in cardiovascular system. Too less Water will cause problem in urinary system.
Interesting Snake Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Opal
Special Flower: Passionflower
Horoscope Colors: Brown Gold, Green
Forecasts courtesy of chinesefortunecalendar